NCO Corps
Non-commissioned officers (abbr. NCOs) are considered to be “a backbone” of armed forces and they are in charge of maintaining and improving standards of order, work and discipline. They are leaders who, by giving their own example, lead the subordinate soldiers and other NCOs, take care of them and motivate them to accomplish the set tasks.

They are most familiar with the armament and military equipment at units’ disposal. Having the highest knowledge in tactical skills for the level of an individual, group (team) or a section, they are responsible for the individual training of soldiers and other NCOs.
NCO corps comprises all NCOs within the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) with their determined relations of authority and subordination. They are all directed towards providing efficient NCO support to the chain of command.
NCO corps’s functions:
- Raising the level of training,
- Specialization and development of NCOs,
- Development and maintaining of professional code of conduct,
- Improvement and sustainment of the proscribed standards, order and discipline.
Adopted, developed and promoted values of the NCO corps members:
- Expertise and authority
- Highest dedication to the military profession
- Military spirit, discipline and ability to work in a team
- Loyalty to a unit, the Serbian Armed Forces and the Republic of Serbia
- Willingness, self-confidence and personal responsibility for completing different tasks
- Initiative and self-discipline
- Personal integrity
- Personal courage
In order to support the chain of command and training, a certain hierarchy has been established within the NCO corps and it consists of:
- First Sergeant – in a company-size units
- Command Sergeant Major in battalion
- Command Sergeant Major in brigade
- Command Sergeant Major in operational commands
- Command Sergeant Major in the General Staff
- Command Sergeant Majors Sergeant Major of the Serbian Armed Forces.
First Sergeant
A first sergeant is the main adviser to a commander on the issues related to soldiers and NCOs within a unit.
His basic role is to train soldiers and NCOs within a unit.
A first sergeant directs the work of other NCOs and professional soldiers in a company-size unit; he helps a commander with completion of set assignments and provides advice, instructions and guidance for other NCOs and soldiers, so that they can perform different duties.
Command Sergeant Major
A CSM is the highest ranking NCO within a unit. His basic role is to implement adopted principles and standards in soldiers and NCOs’ work, as well as to look after their welfare.
The role of CSMs is carried out through the following activities:
- Providing advice and recommendations to a commander (head) on the issues related to NCOs and soldiers and their respective families
- Surveying training activities and providing feedback to a commander concerning training and suggesting of corrective measures
- Providing adherence to proscribed order and discipline
- Providing advice and instructions to subordinates in relation to tasks completion and issues of vital importance for their life and work
- Creating conditions for the adjustment of new unit’s members
- Providing assistance to commissioned officers with their initial duties
- Accompanying a commander in controls, visits and tours.