Infantry units are equipped with modern infantry weapons, optoelectronic, thermal imaging and ballistic protection, modeled on equipping M21 infantry soldiers and the 1500+ project.
7.62 mm M70 Assault Rifle
Following the model of the AKM assault rifle, designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, the production of a domestic model with the generic designation M70 was won at the Zastava Arms factory.

The most numerous variants in the SAF armament are the M70B1, with a fixed wooden bolt, and the M70AB2, with a folding metal bolt. Unlike the AKM and other derivative models that have been manufactured in dozens of countries, the M70 has the ability to fire a trombone mine.
The 7.62mm M-70 AB2 assault rifle is designed to destroy the enemy's live and firepower. A shotgun silencer can be fitted to the rifle if necessary.
The best results when shooting at live forces are achieved: single firing up to 400 m, short bursts up to 300 m, and long bursts up to 200 m. Focused firing of multiple shooters at detected and grouped targets can successfully shoot up to 600 m. Successful effects on airspace targets are up to 500 meters away.
5.56 mm M-21 Zastava assault rifle
The complexity of battlefield weapons requires great features that work in the most severe climatic and terrain conditions.

The M-21 5.56 mm assault rifle is constructed on the basis of the well-known AK-47 Kalashnikov, and features a very good ergonomic design, low jolt, efficient and reliable locking system and trigger mechanism.
It is designed to destroy unprotected and ballistic vest protected live forces at distances of up to 500 meters. Using a grenade launcher can very successfully destroy lightly armored combat and non-combat vehicles, smoke and light the battlefield.
7.65 mm M84 Machine Pistol „scorpion“
The 7.65 mm M84 machine pistol is homemade, but it is a Czech pistol Vz.61 "scorpion", manufactured under license at the Zastava factory in Kragujevac. Originally, machine pistols bore the designation M61 (j).
The M84 automatic pistol, as well as the original manufactured for Warsaw Pact members, is intended primarily for self-defense by tank crews, infantry combat vehicles and other vehicles that do not have sufficient space to house long-barrel weapons.
For use in special forces, the M84 is equipped with a shotgun silencer of domestic production.
30 mm M-93 Automatic Grenade Launcher
Based on the Russian automatic flamethrower AGS-17 "flame", the production of domestic tools with the mark ABG M93 was adopted at the Zastava Arms factory in Kragujevac. It has been used in Army units since 1999.

The M93 automatic grenade launcher kit consists of a NSBG-1 sightshooter (2.6x magnification durbin), three ammunition boxes, six 30-article rifles, a rifle charger, a rectification durbin and an individual kit.
The 30mm M-93 automatic grenade launcher is an infantry support tool designed to neutralize mercury and firearms in and out of incomplete shelters, as well as destroy easily armored combat and non-combat vehicles. It is suitable for shooting targets behind natural obstacles.
60 mm M-57 Mortar
The 60 mm M-57 mortar throws in a trajectory and is suitable for shooting targets at the rear slope, in ditches and land recesses. He uses a current, smoke and lighting mine to accomplish these tasks.

The 60 mm M-57 mortar is designed to neutralize the enemy's live and fire-fighting assets (detected and sheltered), to create smoke curtains to blind the enemy and mask their units, to illuminate the battlefield, and to make passage in wire obstacles.
82 mm M-69 and M-69A Mortar
Mortars have always been given great importance as they are very effective and simple tools of infantry fire support. It targets the vertical trajectory, so it is suitable for shooting targets at rear slopes, ditches, land recesses. It is used to make passages in wire obstacles, to dazzle observation posts and fire points, and to smoke and light the battlefield. Instantaneous, smoke and lighting mines are used for 82 mm mortar shooting.
The 82 mm M-69 and M-69A mortar launcher is an accompanying infantry tool designed to neutralize and destroy the enemy's live and firepower.
120 mm M-75 Mortar
120 mm M-75 mortar is an infantry support tool designed to neutralize and destroy enemy live and fire equipment, create smoke curtains, dazzle observation points and fire points, battlefield lighting, open passage through wire obstacles and minefields, and demolish lightweight fortifications.
The 120 mm M-75 mortar launches a vertical trajectory, making it suitable for hitting targets on rear slopes, ditches, land recesses. It is used to make passages in wire obstacles, to dazzle observation posts and fire points, and to smoke and light the battlefield.
9K111 Anti-tank Missile System "FAGOT" (BASSOON)
For anti-armor combat infantry battalions are armed with Anti-tank Missile System (POLK) 9K111 "bassoon".
The 9K111 anti-tank missile system with the 9M111M guided-missile guided missile is an infantry tool designed to combat fixed and mobile armor at distances of 75 to 2500 meters.

Moving armored vehicles can fire up to a maximum speed of 70 kilometers per hour.
It can be successfully used to shoot planes and other aircraft at landings, helicopters while hovering, as well as to shoot amphibious vehicles and other armored vessels. The 9K111 anti-tank launch system consists of an anti-armor launcher, a guided-missile guided missile and a light interference indicator.
7.62 mm M-84 Machine Gun
The Zastava Arms factory in Kragujevac traditionally made reliable weapons based on foreign models. One of the well-chosen solutions is a machine gun (with legs), that is, a machine gun (with a tripod) of 7.62 mm M-84 caliber, made on the basis of the Soviet PKM (Kalashnikov machine gun Modified).
7.62 mm M-84 machine gun is designed to neutralize and destroy detected and masked, group and more important individual targets, neutralize enemy firearms operating through the loopholes of bunker or fortified buildings, destroy and disable motorized and inferior armored vehicles and destroy airborne targets. space.
9mm CZ-99 Pistol
Pistols for the needs of the Armed Forces of Serbia have traditionally been made at the Kragujevac factory "Zastava Arms", which produces 7.62x25 mm M-57 caliber pistols, based on the Soviet model TT. As a successor to that pistol, the CZ-99 has been manufactured since 1991 with a 9mm "steam" bullet.

The 9mm CZ-99 pistol is designed to destroy live force at distances up to 50 meters.
7.9 mm M-76 Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
Modeled on the Kalashnikov family, two models of semi-automatic sniper rifles were created at the Zastava Arms factory, adapted for more powerful ammunition than those used by standard VS infantry weapons. Therefore, reinforced elements of the Kalashnikov gunpowder lending system were applied. The M-76 rifle uses a 7.92x57 mm "Mauser" caliber bullet.
The 7.9mm M-76 Semi-automatic Sniper Rifle is designed to destroy major single detected and masked live targets over long distances.
LP 12 PA Shotgun
The LP 12 PA shotgun is a hunting rifle used in police units as an effective weapon in urban areas up to 150 meters away. It is effectively used in buildings, corridors, tunnels, shrubs, bushes, dense forests, and generally in conditions of reduced visibility.
The caliber is not expressed in millimeters but based on the diameter of one ball made of English pound of lead (453.5027 grams).
7.62 mm M72 Machine Gun
Basically, the M-72 submachine gun is a derivative of the M-70 automatic rifle with a heavy barrel and a two-legged stand, thus providing greater range. The idea of developing a machine gun unified with basic infantry weapons was taken from the Kalashnikov family.

The 7.62 mm M-72 submachine gun is intended for the destruction of the enemy's life force and means of war technique, as well as for the destruction of targets in airspace at distances of up to 500 meters.
M-93 12.7 mm Sniper rifle
Homemade 12.7 mm M93 "black arrow" rifle, with an M-94 8x56 optical sight, has been manufactured at the Zastava Arms factory in Kragujevac since the late 1990s. It is a long-range rifle with an optical sight, often called the anti-material rifle in the world, because it is primarily used to destroy the means of war technique.

The 12.7 mm M-93 long-range rifle is designed to combat open-air combat forces, non-combatant light armored combat vehicles, and to target sensitive targets such as ground planes and helicopters, communications, electronic surveillance and monitoring, etc. It is suitable for use in mountainous areas and for the protection of the border zone, as well as for the destruction of floating mines on rivers and the sea.